Speaker Clawson? Fox News Mentions Popular Florida Congressman As Possible Boehner Replacement

Curt Clawson knows a thing or two about defying the odds.

The popular Congressman from Southwest Florida is a former Fortune 500 CEO and also used to played basketball at Purdue.

To win his spot in Congress, Clawson defeated powerful Florida Senate Majority Leader Benacquisto.

Clawson gained notoriety among the grassroots and other political observers with his famous ad challenging President Obama to a one-on-one game of basketball.

Rep. Clawson also received high marks when he delivered the “Tea Party” response to Pres. Obama’s State Of The Union address earlier this year.

Now, as chaos reigns in the House GOP in the wake of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s bombshell announcement he has dropped out of the Speaker’s race, buzz over Clawson launching a bid to replace Boehner has heated up.

Even Fox News has mentioned Clawson as a possible candidate.

Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich had strong praise for Clawson in a recent interview with Conservative Intel about who would be good for House leadership.

“Budowich points to Florida Rep. Curt Clawson as a standout.

“Clawson is the perfect example of an outsider leader,” Budowich said. “A former CEO who knows how to get things done yet stays true to conservative values, he represents Tea Party ideals through and through. He saw problems and stepped up to fix them, and he’s strong communicator with a passion to do a great job. That’s why Southwest Florida voters elected him with significant support.”

Whether Clawson launches a bid remains to be seen.

A campaign for Speaker is no lay-up, but don’t count out the possibility Clawson throws up a half-court shot at the buzzer… And don’t count Clawson out of the House leadership game just yet-he just might sink that buzzer beater.
