Leaked Video: Warren Doesn’t Actually Have a Healthcare Plan

“Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren was caught on tape saying that she is not committed to all the details of Senator Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All plan despite previously calling it ‘my plan,'” according to National Review on Tuesday.

So, it’s not that I have a plan that says we’re going to do this part and then we’re going to do this part and then we’re going to do this part. No, instead my plan is we’re going to get to a table like this,’ the Massachusetts senator says in leaked video from an August 23 closed-door meeting with members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union executive board, which was obtained by Mediaite.”

Rather than a detailed policy proposal, Warren reiterated in the meeting that her “Medicare for All” plan is little more than a campaign slogan: “We’re going to understand the urgency of the moment to get this solved with people who aren’t covered, and get ourselves on a path where everybody can get there and everybody can get covered at the lowest possible cost. That’s what Medicare for All is all about.”

[View Warren’s leaked August remarks on video here:

In multiple televised Democratic debate, Warren has refused to say whether or not her “Medicare for All” plan would raise taxes on the middle class. That evasiveness now makes more sense, given the fact that it was only just days ago, per Politico, that Warren announced she would explain “over the next few weeks” how her healthcare plan would be paid for.