Warren Tacks Left, Casts Doubts On White House

Speculation over whether freshman Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) may be hatching clandestine plans to challenge Hillary for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2016 may be dead or dying this week.

Despite that her well-funded donors continue insisting she make a bid, Warren is staying the course on her ‘no’ reply and appears to have backed up her answer with a move to the left that might kill any chance of appealing to centrist voters.

This week, newly-reelected Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid tapped Warren to head up a communications committee aimed at liaising with the core liberal base of the Democrat party.

No doubts her Massachusetts, heavily progressive bonafides played a role in the decision. And the fanfare with which she was received by liberal donors at a private event confirmed that any machinations of a White House bid may be a hard sell even to many centrist Democrats.