Won’t Back Down: Trump Warns Bernie To Control His Supporters

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GOP Presidential front runner Donald Trump says Bernie Sanders needs to control his supporters who are protesting Trump events.

According to The Hill:

Donald Trump early Sunday accused Bernie Sanders of lying by saying the Vermont senator’s “disrupters” aren’t told to go to the GOP front-runner’s events.

Trump also threatened in a tweet that his supporters would go to Sanders events if the Democratic hopeful wasn’t “careful.”

Sanders said on Saturday his supporters are not to blame for violence that broke out at a planned Trump rally in Chicago.

“I don’t think our supporters are inciting. What our supporters are doing is responding to a candidate who has, in fact, in many ways, encouraged violence,” Sanders said at a press conference, according to CNN. “When he talks about … ‘I wish we were in the old days when you could punch somebody in the head.’ What do you think that says to his supporters?”

Trump was forced to cancel a rally on Friday night when massive demonstrations sparked scuffles between his supporters and protesters.”