President Trump’s Approval Rating Is Surging With The Black Community

President Trump’s approval rating is surging in the black community as African American employment has hit an all time high.

According to Gateway Pundit:

“President Trump continues to gain support among black voters despite the constant accusations of racism from white liberals.

President Trump has doubled his support from black voters according to a recent poll. reported:

Two new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters, highlighting his political gains from pushing employers to hire Americans instead of lower-wage migrants.

The growing support from blacks — despite furious Democratic claims of racism — could become a shocking political validation in November when Trump will face millions of upper-income Democratic voters who are angry at his “Buy American, Hire American” policies.

Among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” admitted a January 11 article in the Atlantic by author Ronald Brownstein. “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women,” said the article.”