Breaking: ISIS Reportedly Has Secret Kill List Of 8,000 Americans

ISIS Militants (Via Wikipedia)

Breaking this weekend, according to reports:

“A pro-Isis group has released a hit list with the names of more than 8,000 people, mostly Americans…

The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans.

Reports of the list came to light online when Vocativ reported the list was shared via the encrypted app, Telegram, and called on supporters to kill.

Former FBI agent turned lawyer Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves.

“It’s going to create some hysteria,” he said.”