Trump Wonders If Rubio Is Eligible To Be President

Trump, right, Rubio, left

Donald Trump is raising questions over fellow GOP Presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s eligibility to be President.

The Republican front runner says that lawyers will sort the issue out…

According to Politico:

“On Saturday, Trump retweeted a tweet that suggested the Florida senator was not a citizen, George Stephanopoulos asked him about it on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning.

Rubio was born in Florida on May 28, 1971. His parents had come to the United States from Cuba in 1950s. Trump retweeted a tweet on Saturday that suggested both Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were ineligible to be president.

There is a lawsuit pending in Broward County, Florida, challenging the eligibility of both Cruz and Rubio — Cruz because of where he was born, Rubio because of where his parents were born. An initial hearing of Michael Voeltz’s suit is to be held March 4 in front of Judge John Bowman.

“I think the lawyers have to determine that that — and not— it was a retweet, not so much with Marco. I’m not really that familiar with Marco’s circumstances,” Trump said Sunday morning.”

The article notes Trump says he likes to sue his Twitter to start conversations with the American people:

“You’re really not sure that Marco Rubio is eligible to run for president? You’re really not sure?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“I don’t know. I really — I’ve never looked at it, George. I honestly have never looked at it. As somebody said, he’s not. And I retweeted it. I have 14 million people between Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and I retweet things, and we start dialogue and it’s very interesting,” Trump said.”