Obama Renews Push To Close Guantanamo Bay Before Leaving Office

Pentagon officials are preparing to lay out how to close Guantanamo Bay, a top request from President Obama that goes back to campaign promises made in 2007.

According to The Hill:

“The Pentagon is poised to submit a plan to Congress for closing the Guantánamo Bay prison camp, a spokesman said Monday.

Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said the administration will meet the Tuesday deadline for submitting a proposal for closing the facility and moving its terrorist detainees.

“We understand that the deadline is tomorrow and it’s our intent to meet it,” Davis said.

The plan will call for the closure of the detention facility, and lay out several options on how to do so, Davis said.

President Obama is pushing to close the prison and fulfill a long-standing campaign promise before leaving office. There are 91 detainees remaining at the prison.”
