Jason Allen Challenges “Nation’s Most Liberal Republican Congressional Candidate” Tom Casperson

The “Nation’s Most Liberal Republican Congressional Candidate” Tom Casperson has some competition: former State Senator Jason Allen. Allen announced his bid for Congress in Michigan’s First Congressional District earlier this week.

Allen nearly won the seat in 2010…

According to the AP via the Washington Times:

“Jason Allen, a former Republican state legislator, entered the race Thursday for the U.S. House seat being vacated by retiring Rep. Dan Benishek, who narrowly defeated Allen for the Republican nomination six years ago in Michigan’s northernmost district.

“I want to be a conservative voice for Upper Michigan,” Allen told The Associated Press ahead of his announcement Thursday morning at his family-owned clothing store in Traverse City. “It’s time we had a government that lived within its means, a tax system which was simple, flat and fair, and a regulatory system which fostered job growth instead of discouraging economic development…”

Allen, who planned a series of announcements around the district, said he had signed an Americans for Tax Reform pledge not to raise taxes. He told the AP he had never voted for a tax increase, while Casperson has drawn criticism from some conservatives for supporting fuel tax and vehicle registration fee hikes under a plan to improve Michigan’s deteriorating roads and bridges.

“Washington and Lansing are spending too much and taxing too much,” Allen said.”