President Trump Threatens To Send Military To Close The Border And Stop Illegal Immigrants

President Trump says he will send the US Military to close the Mexican border if a large group of Central Americans attempting to enter America illegally are not stopped.

President Trump also blasted liberals for weak immigration policies.

According to the Daily Mail:

“Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to seal America’s southern border with military force unless Mexico intervenes to stop the flow of illegal immigrants traveling to the U.S. from Central America.

The stern, tweeted warning came as a group of more than 4,000 travels north through Mexico in the hope of reaching the United States, despite having no visas or other legal papers to enter.

Trump blamed his Democratic rivals for the resulting chaos, saying ‘they want Open Borders and existing weak laws.’

He resurrected the claim that launched his White House campaign in 2015, saying that ‘this large flow of people’ includes ‘MANY CRIMINALS’ and putting the words in uppercase letters for effect.”