CNN Lawyer Convinced Judge Who Married Soros To Release Hannity’s Name As Trump Lawyer’s Mystery Client

Soros, left, Wood, right

An attorney for CNN and the New York Times convinced Judge Kimba Wood to release the name of Sean Hannity as President Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen’s mystery client.

Wood, a former Playboy Bunny, presided over the marriage of billionaire liberal George Soros.

According to Twitchy:

“Here’s a little tidbit from yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing that’s pretty interesting…

According to reports from inside the courtroom, Judge Kimba Wood was ready to allow Michael Cohen to submit the name of his 3rd client — who we now know is Sean Hannity — under seal, but an attorney for CNN and the New York Times convinced her otherwise.

From Natasha Bertrand, The Atlantic:

A note about this: Judge Wood was prepared to let Ryan give her the name of Cohen’s third client under seal. At that point, an attorney for the NYT and CNN approached the podium and convinced her that the press (&public) should know. She agreed. He played pivotal role here.”