Lena Epstein Calls on Debbie Stabenow to Match $500,000 Fine for Illegal Campaign Activity that Helped Elect Her Over Many Decades

AP Photo / Paul Sancya

Michigan Democrats are in a state of disarray after being hit with a $500,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission. The scandal was first reported by the Detroit Free Press, and it marks largest penalties ever levied by that office.

Sarah Anderson, spokeswoman for the Michigan Republican Party told the Detroit Free Press,

“This is further evidence of the Democrats’ inability to represent anyone, even those willing to invest their hard-earned money. They are a party in total disarray,” she said. “The magnitude of the fine demonstrates that this is not a simple bookkeeping error. It appears to be a systematic mishandling of funds.”

The illegal funds helped to elect Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow, and will be a huge blow to her reelection bid in 2018.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Lena Epstein has already called for her opponent to immediately match the $500,000 fine with a charitable contribution. She said in her statement:

“The Democrats have now admitted that they illegally reported and used millions of dollars to help elect Debbie Stabenow over her more than 20 years in Washington D.C. and 43 years as an elected official.  This is one of the largest fines ever levied by the Federal Election Commission and these crimes go back decades.  Michigan voters deserve an exact accounting of how much of this money was spent to help Debbie Stabenow over this time period.  I am publicly calling on Debbie Stabenow to immediately donate $500,000 to charity to match the fine levied by the FEC for illegal money that was used to help elect her.”

This is a great sign for Republicans in Michigan, who haven’t won a U.S. Senate seat in almost two decades. In recent years, Republican candidates have come off as weak, and unwilling to say the things necessary to regain a seat in the Senate.

When Epstein announced, respected political pundit Bill Ballenger called her a “skilled public speaker” and the “toughest Republican Stabenow has ever faced in her 42-year career in elected office.”

As a surrogate for the Trump campaign, she was never afraid to attack Hillary Clinton. Today, she is taking her first public shot at incumbent Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow and it appears she won’t be pulling any punches.

Former Trump campaign officials and business owners have quickly come out in support of her campaign. She also raised a record breaking $100,000 her first day as a candidate.