“Most Liberal Republican Candidate in America” Tom Casperson Launches Hypocritical Attacks on Conservative Jason Allen

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The most liberal Republican running for Congress anywhere in America Tom Casperson recently launched a barrage of negative attacks against former State Senator Jason Allen in the 1st Congressional District of Michigan that open the liberal Senator up to charges of hypocrisy.

The attacks focus on a tax that no longer exists and that Allen easily explained away as the least bad option put forward by the Granholm administration.  Senator Allen supported the effort to repeal the Michigan Business Tax when Governor Snyder was elected and has signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge against raising taxes.

Tom Casperson’s attacks on Allen ring of hypocrisy because Casperson was the most liberal GOP Senator in 2012, 2013, and 2014 in the American Conservative Union’s Annual Rankings.

He refused to sign the Americans for Tax Reform pledge not to raise taxes as a State Senator.

Casperson’s liberal voting record includes voting for a gas tax increase, supporting Obamacare through Medicaid Expansion, and supporting the largest tax increase in the Great Lakes State in over 50 years.  Movement conservatives are also incensed at Casperson for being one of the lone Republicans votes against making Michigan a Right to Work state.

There is a long history of negative campaigning backfiring in the first congressional district of Michigan and it remains to be seen how voters respond to Casperson launching negative advertisements against his competition.

Will voters punish him for moving this race into the gutter and hold him accountable for hypocrisy?  Or will the negative attacks on Jason Allen work?

Read more at http://conservativeintel.com/2015/12/21/liberal-republican-congressional-candidate-country-tom-casperson-consistently-voted-conservative-legislation/