State Department BUSTED Deleting Video About The Iran Deal: Here’s What You Need To Know

A story involving a State Department cover up over an exchange with reporters at a press conference about Iran is causing controversy.

According to The Hill:

“Despite claiming last week that the department would not continue to dig to find out who deleted the roughly eight minutes of videotape from a YouTube archive of the briefing, it has reversed course following an order from Secretary John Kerry.

“We’re going to continue to look at additional troves of information in an effort to find out, again, what happened,” spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Wednesday. “That is basically because the secretary said he wants to dive deeper into this, look more into what happened, and try to get to the bottom of what happened.

“And so, what our office of legal adviser did was go back and look at what are other areas where there could be information.”

Criticism has mounted on the State Department following the revelation early this month that someone within the public affairs office had ordered portions of the video be deleted. The missing video snippet — which has since been restored — featured a discussion between then-spokeswoman Jen Psaki and a Fox News reporter about nuclear negotiations with Iran, and whether it would be appropriate for the government to lie in order to advance diplomacy.”