Michigan Win Shows Trump May Turn Key States “Red” In November

Donald Trump In Des Moines, Iowa For His Vet Event

Tuesday’s election results in Michigan may prove to be horrible news for Dems in November if GOP Presidential front runner Donald Trump can continue his momentum in the rust belt.

According to National Review:

“Sixty-four electoral votes. That’s how many Mitt Romney fell short of the 270 required to win the White House in 2012. Sixty-four electoral votes. That’s the sum of four Rust Belt states Romney lost: Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18), Michigan (16), and Wisconsin (10). Donald Trump says he can win back these states as the GOP nominee, a claim that’s audacious to say the least: Ohio has voted Democratic the past two presidential cycles; Michigan and Pennsylvania last went Republican in 1988; and Wisconsin hasn’t been carried by the GOP since 1984.

But if Tuesday’s primary results in Michigan are any indication, Trump, who has been underestimated at every turn of this campaign, should be taken seriously…

Perhaps the most notable statistic of the night came from Macomb County, ground zero for the “Reagan Democrats” of yore. In the 1980s, these white, working-class voters defected from a Democratic party they felt had abandoned their economic interests with progressive stances on issues such as affirmative action and immigration.

Macomb County’s politics have fluctuated in years since, but it remains a bellwether for Michigan and a symbol of the state’s blue-collar electorate. Trump blew away the competition there, taking 48 percent in a four-way contest. On the Democratic side, Clinton took 49 percent and topped Sanders by fewer than 1,400 votes. Trump won 60,492 votes in Macomb County; Clinton won 47,597.

Even more telling, GOP turnout in Macomb, which Obama carried twice, was 118,220 on Tuesday night; Democratic turnout was 93,839. This disparity, proportionally speaking, was bigger than the one statewide — and should have Democrats concerned. The uptick in Republican participation is hardly an isolated occurrence. Trump has driven up turnout in virtually every nominating contest this year…”