Buckeye Battle: Trump And Kasich Headed For HEATED Fight In Ohio

Trump, left, Kasich, right

Donald Trump and John Kasich are headed for a heated battle in Ohio’s winner take all primary March 15th. Trump has a 5% lead currently.

According to The Hill:

“Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump holds a slim lead over rival John Kasich in Ohio, according to a Public Policy Polling Survey released Monday.

Trump has 38 percent support, with Kasich, Ohio’s governor, taking 35 percent in his home state. Ted Cruz follows, with 15 percent, and Marco Rubiocomes in last, with just 5 percent.

Only 69 percent of voters say they’re committed to their current choice, with the rest saying they could change their minds before the state’s Republican primary on March 15.

In a head-to-head match-up, Kasich leads Trump by double digits, 55 percent to 40 percent, according to the poll.

“Donald Trump has a slight advantage in Ohio,” said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling, in a statement. “But John Kasich’s strong advantage over him when you match them head to head may end up propelling him to victory if Cruz and Rubio voters decide to cast strategic votes for the only viable alternative if they want to #StopTrump.”