Breaking: Romney Plans Major Speech On 2016 Presidential Race Tomorrow, Rumors Of Attempt To Stop Trump Surge

Romney, left, Trump, right

Mitt Romney is causing a stir after a major speech tomorrow addressing the 2016 Presidential race has increased rumors he may jump in to the GOP Presidential primary to attempt a last minute establishment defeat of front runner and likely nominee Donald Trump.

Romney’s remarks are scheduled to begin at 11:30…

According to Politico:

“Mitt Romney will give a speech on the state of the 2016 presidential race on Thursday, his office said.

Romney is scheduled to address the Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on Thursday morning, according to an advisory sent to reporters. Utah holds its Republican caucuses on March 22, a day after the last scheduled debate in Salt Lake City announced last month.

Romney has been outspoken in denouncing front-runner Donald Trump, calling on him to release his tax returns and questioning his fitness to be commander in chief.”