Wow: Top Black Lives Matter Activist SNUBS “Sham Meeting” With Obama

A top activist with the controversial “Black Lives Matter” group is refusing to attend a meeting with President Obama…

According to The Hill:

“A top organizer for Black Lives Matter Chicago has decided to skip a Thursday meeting with President Obama and other black civil rights leaders, calling the event a “sham.”

In an op-ed for the siteĀ Truth-Out, Aislinn Pulley wrote: “I do not feel that a handshake with the president is the best way for me to honor Black History Month or the Black freedom fighters whose labor laid the groundwork for the historic moment we are living in.”

“I respectfully declined the invitation to the White House to discuss criminal legal reform and to celebrate Black History Month,” Pulley wrote, adding that she assumed the meeting was intended to bring about a “genuine exchange on the matters facing millions of Black and Brown people in the United States.”

“Instead, what was arranged was basically a photo opportunity and a 90-second sound bite for the president. I could not, with any integrity, participate in such a sham that would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it, Pulley said.”