Breaking: Trump Blasts Cruz Over Carson Caucus Controversy, Wants New Election In Iowa

GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for another Iowa caucus after Ted Cruz’s campaign was caught spreading false information about Dr. Ben Carson.

Cruz operatives apparently told caucus-goers Monday that Carson was dropping out and they should subsequently back the Texas Senator…

According to The Hill:

“Donald Trump is going ballistic over the results of the Iowa caucuses, accusing Ted Cruz of cheating and threatening to sue in a series of blistering attacks against the winner.

Over Twitter and in media appearances on Wednesday, the top two finishers at Monday’s caucuses clashed over allegations that the Cruz campaign spread false rumors shortly before the event that fellow presidential hopeful Ben Carson was dropping out of the race.

Cruz and Carson were angling for the same evangelical voters in the state; Cruz supporters told caucusgoers at precincts across the state that with Carson out, they should instead get behind the Texas senator.

Trump, who finished approximately 6,000 votes behind Cruz out of about 180,000 ballots cast, is now furiously making the case that the election was stolen from him…

He accused the Texas Republican of “voter fraud,” called his actions “unthinkable” and “one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen,” and claimed it’s why the polls, which showed Trump in the lead on Election Day, ended up being wrong.”