RIGGED? 90 Precinct Results Go Missing In Iowa As Hillary Wins Multiple Delegates By Coin Toss

Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images

90 precinct totals mysteriously went missing Monday night in Iowa, and Hillary Clinton won at least 6 delegates by coin toss after precinct ties. If those votes went the other way, Sanders would be winning.

The missing precinct totals are just another shady and unsettling chapter in a long line of Clinton scandals.

According to The Hill:

The Iowa Democratic Party is denying accusations from Bernie Sanders’s campaign that it failed to staff scores of caucus sites as he and Hillary Clinton remained locked in a too-close-to-call contest that spilled over into early Tuesday morning.

But an Iowa Democratic Party official pushed back against the claims, telling The Hill that “the reports of precincts without chairs are inaccurate.”

“We have reached out to the campaigns for help in contacting the chairs for our outstanding precincts,” the official said in a statement.

“We are not taking results from the campaigns. We are taking them from the chairs who are in these precincts.”

The Iowa Democrats did not elaborate as to why the campaigns may have a better handle on where the party’s precinct chairs are than the party itself.”