Breaking: Historic HUGE New Iowa Poll Shows Trump Beating Ted Cruz

Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz by 5% in Iowa with the caucuses just hours away.

Marco Rubio is in third, Dr. Ben Carson is fourth, and Sen. Rand Paul is 5th.

The Des Moines Register poll is steeped in history and been quite accurate, predicting the Santorum surprise in 2012 as well as Mike Huckabee’s rise in 2008.

According to Politico:

“Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have small leads in the final Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll before Monday’s caucuses.

Trump leads Ted Cruz in the Republican race, 28 percent to 23 percent, the poll shows. Marco Rubio is in third place at 15 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 10 percent.

Clinton leads Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side, 45 percent to 42 percent, with Martin O’Malley at 3 percent.

The poll, conducted by legendary Iowa pollster J. Ann Selzer, has long been influential and accurate: Selzer’s surveys predicted victories by Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee in 2008, and foresaw Rick Santorum’s late surge in 2012.”