Trump Blasts Cruz’s Debate Performance: “He’s Going Down”

With the Iowa caucuses just 3 days away, GOP Presidential front runner Donald Trump says his chief rival in the Hawkeye state is “going down” after having a debate that was “not good at all.”

According to The Hill:

“Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump on Friday said rival Ted Cruz got “very badly hurt” at Thursday night’s presidential debate.

“He did, he got very badly hurt, and he’s going down,” Trump said in an interview with NH1 News. “Ted Cruz is going down. Plus he’s got the Canada problem. I mean, he’s got a huge problem. That problem with Canada as to whether or not he can even run. I think he cannot run.”

“It was not a good night for him, and it wasn’t good for a couple of the other folks,” he added. “It was not good at all.” Trump later said he had not watched the whole debate.”