You Won’t Believe What Paul Ryan Just Did

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) at the 2012 Republican National Convention Harry E. Walker/MCT/

Paul Ryan has a message to tardy lawmakers: get to work.

According to The Hill:

“Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) means business when it comes to being on time for House votes.

Tardiness has long been a largely unenforced problem when it comes to voting. Last week, Ryan chastised colleagues for being late, saying that “voting within the allotted time would help with the maintenance of the institution.”

He abruptly ordered Wednesday’s vote be closed after the allotted 15 minutes on legislation to prevent the Obama administration from lifting sanctions on Iranian entities unless it certifies they aren’t involved with terrorism or the country’s ballistic missile program.

As a result, more than 130 lawmakers missed the vote, which was gaveled down when the tally hit 191-106, and the vote was vacated.

Typically, the first votes of a series take closer to 30 minutes than the official 15 minutes. Lawmakers typically take longer than the allotted time to break from meetings or walk over to the Capitol from their offices across the street.”