Snubbing Rand Paul At The Debate May Cost Republican Party With Libertarians In November

Photo by Gage Skidmore

2016 GOP Presidential candidate Rand Paul has been booted from the main stage at this week’s Fox Business Republican Presidential debate despite leading people like John Kasich-who will attend-in multiple polls.

For the same party that treated Ron Paul so horrendously in 2012 to now undermine Rand could prove costly in November against the Dems, especially with the recent announcement from former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson he is running for the Libertarian Party’s nomination.

Paul supporters note the Kentucky Senator has been excluded from multiple polls from Fox News itself. And don’t forget Florida in 2000: a third party could swing the entire contest…

According to CNN:

“Rand Paul will boycott Thursday night’s Republican primary debate in South Carolina after being relegated from the main stage, he said on Monday.

“I won’t participate in anything that’s not first tier because we have a first tier campaign,” the Kentucky senator told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

 Paul’s announcement came moments before Fox Business Network, the sponsor of Thursday’s debate, announced that just seven candidates had qualified for the main stage. Those candidates are Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and John Kasich.

Both Paul and Carly Fiorina, who appeared on the main stage in last month’s CNN debate, were relegated to the undercard round, along with Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, according to the network.”