Warren Begins Teeing Up 2020 Presidential Campaign

“Sen. Elizabeth Warren has the core of her 2020 team in place if she runs for president,” reports Politico this week. That “if” is starting to look a lot more certain:

“She has the seed money — there’s $12.5 million ready to go, left from her recent Senate run — and a massive email list she’s amassed over years, boosted by a $3.3 million investment in digital infrastructure and advertising in the last election alone. Her aides have been quietly shopping for presidential campaign headquarters space in the Boston area in recent weeks, according to a source with knowledge of the move.”

In terms of sheer funds, Warren very well might be leading the Democrat pack at this moment:

Many on the left and right sides of the chattering classes said earlier this year that Warren had effectively ruined her chances at a 2020 presidential bid with her DNA test fiasco, in which the senator attempted to clear her name and reputation and assert herself as a bona fide descendant of Native Americans and, well, didn’t.

Yet the embarrassment doesn’t seem to have slowed the Massachusetts senator down:

“The senator herself has been busy personally calling scores of Democrats in the four early presidential states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, reaching out to former and recently elected officials, those who ran for office unsuccessfully, labor leaders and grass-roots activists.

“According to more than a half dozen people who said they had received calls or spoken to others who had, Warren poses similar questions on the calls: ‘What have you learned in 2018? I’m thinking about running. What do you think?'”

And she’s certainly not alone. The Washington Post’s “The Fix” has it that an “unprecedented” (!) number of Democrats serving in Congress are mulling a 2020 run.

The 2020 Democratic National Convention, at which the party will choose its 2020 nominees to run against President Trump, is set for July of 2020 in an as-of-yet undetermined city.

Read the full Politico story on Warren’s here: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/10/elizabeth-warren-2020-elections-democrats-1054205