Huckabee Says Obama Should Be “Ashamed” For His Welcome of Pro-Life Pope Francis

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee blasted Pres. Obama for hosting Pope Francis in an op/ed this week, likening the situation to the President tempting a recovering alcoholic with an open bar.

“Welcoming a pro-life, pro-marriage leader at the White House with a crowd of abortion and gay rights activists is as classy as hosting an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with an open bar. President Obama should be ashamed of himself,” Huckabee said.

Huckabee, who is running for the Republican nomination for President, also said that he feels sorry the Pope has to deal with Obama during his visit:

I welcome the Pope to America and offer my apologies to him that our president will not offer him the warm, respectful welcome he deserves.

I am not a Catholic, but as a Christian and as an American, I believe the Pope deserves much better. And so do the American people.

>>>Read the full op/ed HERE