Breaking: CNN Backs Antifa, Endorses Violence Against Trump Supporters

CNN isn’t even hiding it anymore: they side with Antifa.

The revelation came recently from Chris Cuomo, who expressed support for radical, violent liberal protesters.

According to Breitbart:

“Chris Cuomo announced Monday night that CNN will not condemn but instead justify political violence against anyone it defines as “bigots” — which, according to the network’s editorial tone over the past two years, signals open season on all Trump supporters for violent activists like Antifa and the Black Bloc.

To legitimize political violence, Cuomo said, “All punches are not equal morally… Drawing a moral equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting it, because they both resort to violence emboldens hate, legitimized hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out.”

This is a dramatic turning point for the far left. Not only is CNN offering moral cover for those who engage in political violence, but — thanks to the ever-widening definition of “hate” — CNN is also calling for the left’s political opponents to be “stamped out.”

This, of course, is anathema to the very heart of Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement, which was never about “stamping out” anything. Rather, it was about using peaceful protest and civil disobedience to change hearts and minds.”